Hi everyone and hope you are all well..
Yes its Friday again so its Freebie Friday for you again so i have added 3 papers from the Leaves paper set into the Freebie Friday Tab for you. Thought be just right for your Autumn/Fall crafty creations.
More news for you is that you can now get all the backing papers on CD Roms. Have 3 disc's with hundreds and hundreds of papers on each. (704 papers on disc 1) There's 20 different paper sets on each disc which are just load, click and print off as many times as you wish.
From the 12th to the 18th September there is a 15% OFF Sale on where each disc will be just £3.40 with free UK p+p plus set up for oversea's postage as well.
Take care
Hugs Lozzy & the Design Team xx